Hey New Podcasters! 👋

Julian Lepinski
Cast App
Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2020


A Plethora of Podcasters Pontificate in Parallel

Over the past couple of months we’ve seen an unprecedented number of new Podcasters using Cast, and we wanted to give a big wave & hello to everybody who is new to Cast, whether you’re dipping a toe in or already mid-cannonball.

If you’re new to Cast, we thought now would be a great time to give you a quick roundup of some of the helpful articles, tips and blog posts we’ve written over the past few years. To start, we’ve got very detailed Help Pages that include everything from a rundown of how every part of Cast works to detailed Reference Articles on everything from Why To Wear Headphones to what mixing options like Dynamic Compression actually mean for your podcast.

We’ve also launched a bunch of fantastic features over the past few years, including Cast’s Intelligent Noise Reduction (a lifesaver if you’re trying to rescue a recording with problematic background noise), and expansive Historical Stats for Pro Users.

Also, Hey Longtime Cast Users! 👋

The Cast Team has been very fortunate to work remotely, and over the past few months our work on Cast has continued without interruption. We’ve been hard at work on some Big New Things™ that we’re excited to announce very soon, but we’ve also managed to slip in a bunch of tiny new updates & fixes to Cast that are already live in the app. Sharp-eyed Podcasters may have noticed things like: faster mixes, CSV downloads for Comparative Pro Stats, and a new and improved recordings list on your Accounts page, which includes a brand new search feature.

So, coming to you from our homes, our apartments, and (for at least one unlucky member of the Cast team) a haunted mansion willed to us by a distant relative with the odd condition that we must spend one full night inside, we remain devoted to all of you and all of your lovely podcasts. And we can’t wait to show you what we’ve got in store for you.

(Mental note: Sharp-Eyed Podcasters is a great title for a birdwatching podcast. Or a fashion podcast. Or a bird fashion podcast.)

I’m on Twitter at @JulianLepinski, and when I’m not writing this article, I’m working on Cast — a product that makes it easy and fun to record, edit and publish a podcast.



I made Pano for your phone & Cast (@CastApp) for your podcast. PhD dropout. Don’t tell mom.